Hello, I'm
Thanks for stopping by my site!I've always wanted to find a way to live a life that I was able to design.
As it turned out, life designed it for me, and I couldn't have designed it better!
About twenty-five years ago...
our son Chris had had two sets of ear tubes, and he was on his way to a third.
We had tried vitamins from the doctor. We tried a special diet, even Chinese herbs.
Nothing made a difference.
Then we tried these products...
In four months we were all sleeping through the night.
The earaches simply disappeared.
That got my attention!
So the whole family switched brands.
John's allergies went away.
No more hormone swings for me.
No more sick days from school for our boys.
I had to know why!!
Once I had followed the science I realized the solutions my family had stumbled upon, had come not only from nature, but from a safe awe and respect for nature at its core. I couldn't keep it to myself. I opened a business driven by a passion for wellness, and chose to inform about what was working for our family and why.
My brand partner gave us recognition by sending John and me to Hawaii. They didnt need to. I just keep passing the word along to make a difference for people and for the planet.
Today I'm also looking to connect and work with like-minded people. With the recent financial and health insecurities all around us, I sense interest in the information we have to share is more important than ever.
Brenda Bergstrom